Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dont care!

Salam-alaykum you..

 "Little things matter the most"

I do agree with the quote cos this little things ni lah yg kita manusia sll lupa.  Did we forgot or we just take it slightly ? For instance, we filled up our car with petrol either 97 or 95, and right after we left the station meeting up some friends in KFC restaurant and they suddenly asked "how much the petrol cost per litre?"
Can u answer with the exact figure? As for me, Im sure, i dont! :)

After a long chitchat in Kfc, ate 10pieces of spicy chicken, we went to the next place to hang out and stopped at the trafic light. I asked them, did the mascott, the grandpa one in the kfc's logo had a black beard or white beard? Did he wear glasses or not? They were like, "hmm i dont know!" "i dont remember" "i dont care what the grandpa is wearing.." "why is that your question is so random?"  See, we eat kfc since we were 5 or maybe 3, and yet we cannot answer the simple question. Teruk kan?

Okey now, we just passed the trafic light. The question is, did the RED light or the GREEN light is on the top?  I wonder and trying to remember which one is on the top and which one is on the bottom!  How about you? What do u think?

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